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Blogs by: Yugabyte Team

Introducing YugabyteDB Aeon

Introducing YugabyteDB Aeon

Having different names for our YugabyteDB DBaaS deployment options has led to some confusion. To make it clear that these are two deployment options of one core product we’ve unified the product name – YugabyteDB Aeon! In this blog, we share the benefits of YugabyteDB Aeon and detail how to choose the best deployment option for your use case.

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YugabyteDB Integrates with Arctype SQL Client

YugabyteDB Integrates with Arctype SQL Client

PostgreSQL has eaten the world. And so Yugabyte set out to build the most Postgres-compatible, scalable, and resilient database. YugabyteDB is not only wire compatible with PostgreSQL, it is code compatible by reusing the upper half of PostgreSQL. Thanks to this compatibility, YugabyteDB can connect to the vast majority of database tools that integrate with Postgres.

In a previous blog post, Yugabyte Developer Advocate Franck Pachot showed how to connect YugabyteDB in Arctype.

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